Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Day I shower 4 times

ALSO KNOWN AS My Sundays, lately.

Growing up, Sundays were always 'family day'. This is a tradition I am trying to instill into my little young family. We signed Nik up for baby swimming classes this winter and it’s been such a nice family activity for the past 8 weeks. This in turn has also led me to showing on average 4 times a day. Allow me to explain...

Sunday mornings I am guilt tripped into doing Zumba by my cousin Marianne (haha- well in the beginning I was, now I'm become a semi Zumba addict) with fellow mommy/old college roommate (LA PLATA 6 shout out!)/blogger friend, Katie. 

Needless to say, she works us out hardcore (no complaining here) so I come home sweaty and stinky. I shower and maybe wash my hair, if its super stinky. Oh and I would have showered in the morning just to wake me up for the beautiful day ahead type of thing.

 Starting to see a trend?

After a quick homemade lunch with my boys (usually leftovers or a creative on the fly sandwich) we get ready for swimming.

We come home from swimming and I shower- to take off the pool and chlorine smell- this time I wash my hair, for sure.

Getting ready for bed, I shower- no washing of the hair, I give her a break here- poor hair.

Today was the last day of Swimming. Ms. Meagan said Nikolas has gained his swim legs and that it was a great introduction for him when summer comes.

I felt like such a proud mama! But I can totally tell this kid will be more of a 'land' lover (most likely the Taurus in him). Unlike me; I love the water, the ocean, the waves, the salt.  It brings me such peace. When life wasn't going so well for me, I would drive down to Ocean City every weekend just to take a dip in the ocean then drive back, literally. I just felt like it cleared my head better than anything else I could do around town. It made me realize that life was bigger than what hardships I thought were the end of the world for me. Eventually it got too expensive with gas and all, so after 5 weeks straight I cut it down to once every two weeks until my life fell back into place again. The ocean is truly a place I refuge to.

But I digress. 

I can't decide if I am more excited about signing Nik up for Gymboree classes next or for the fact that I won't need take so many showers a day.
Maybe both, most likely it’s's definitely both.
Don't get me wrong, I will be the first to say showers are so relaxing and such a way to feel refreshed and a great way to get that second burst of energy, but lately they've been just point blank annoying and quite honestly stressful, haha.

I'm sure the natural oils of my skin and hair will thank me too.

Here's a nice picture of my boys swimming, aren’t they lovely?!

P.S. com check out my friend Katie's blog

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