Friday, March 22, 2013

Where have I been?!?!?

Omg, work has been so busy lately and yes I mean my 9-5 but I also mean my home life too! Nik is going through a growth spurt so he's all over the place wanting to play, learn and just keeping us busy! I love it but I am exhausted at the same time. I watch a Brazilian soap opera my mom got me into (grrrrrr, but not really because its awesome and oh so addicting! haha) anyway, I've been so tired that I've missed a few episodes because I'm snoring (according to hubby I sound like a baby T-Rex when I snore, but if you ask me I'll deny it and tell you I sound like a beautiful bird while sleeping) by 930pm.

Nik has been sleeping through the WHOLE these past 3 nights which have been great (but I am starting to miss our latenight nursing sessions...) and has allowed us to get sleep.

Anywho, birthday plans are coming along. My brother and I are slowly buy surely starting to talk normally again (I think all my mother's prayers are finally paying off) and the hubby and I couldn't be happier.

2013 went off without a hitch and I think it's only going to get better.

I've got a couple beauty box reviews I'm working on for ya, my first ever make up tutorial just in time for the spring weather (whenever it finally decides to show its face) and lots more other goodies including a small, teeny tiny giveaway...shhh...

Happy Friday Friends!!

I leave you with this small dimple of wisdom....

Time is a true teller of what's right. Have patience and let time tell you, in the meantime stay true to yourself and keep doing what you're doing. You are amazing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Whoever believes in Jesus will have everlasting life." Kinda. Theoretically. What they will experience is the perpetual life cycle of birth-aging-death on Earth-like planets. It ensures a second chance for those who fell for the god's deception and are too stupid to pull out of it in a timely manner, for only the true believers (Flanders) will survive come transplant/colonization.
I believe these people are the original residents of a planet (Earth=Africans). Other regions are populated with groups whom are transplaned as the gods deem fit (Native Americans=next Asians, Ashkenaz Jews=next Europeans).
Believing this deviate pimp Jew is god comes at a price, reflected in blacks strengths/weaknesses.
Ironically, due to the god's positioning the Antients ensured these people would not receive two second chances:::Christianity is an Italian religion, responsible for black misery ranging from slavery to the crack epidemic and Italian-style gang membership.
Incidentally, although I ridicule the idea Jesus is god I am slated for this group on the next planet Earth for my unwillingness to bow to absolute power and, like the black man, will be reincarnated less capable compared to my fellow man. And that's why the gods created this reputation among the black man. As far as why Jewish men are faggotty...