Thursday, February 21, 2013

My baby boy is 10 months today!

Nikolas turned 10 months today! 

He is just the most happiest, inquisitive, kindest, smartest, funniest baby ever. Before this month he used to sit pretty for me on his big rocking chair (pictured here top left) but this was the only picture where he remotely sat still for 2.5 seconds long enough for my camera to focus to take the picture (Mommy Success!)

Now I can barely get him to sit still...God Bless him. I seriously cant remember what my life was like without him. These Brazilian lyrics by a popular Ivete Sangalo have never made more sense to me.

Talvez perdesse os sonhos- Maybe I would have lost these dreams
Dentro de mim-
Inside of me
E vivesse na escuridão-
And lived in darkness
Se eu não te amasse tanto assim-
If I didn't love you this much
Talvez não visse flores-
Maybe I wouldn't see these flowers
Por onde eu vi-
That I have seen
Dentro do meu coração-
Inside of my heart 
 Nos desejos, num beijo- In wishes, a kiss
Que eu jamais provei igual-
That I have never felt before
Se eu não te amasse tanto assim- If I didn't love you this much

Happy 10 months, Nik!
Mommy loves you, always.  

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