Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Surviving Wednesday "Hump Day"!

It's the middle of the work week-Wednesday!- also refereed to as "hump day" When I was younger this term totally confused me. I won't go into the details as to why, but I am sure you can guess what typical high school’ers thought this day referred to...

As an adult I can totally see why. Its an idea that the week is like a mound or a hill that a person climbs, with Wednesday being in the middle or the 'peak' of the week for the typical 9-5'er, Monday-Friday'er.

Mondays- Everyone I know hates Mondays. Those are the days I'm usually running late or my train is late arriving into the station, my work coffee maker breaks (happened to me 3 Mondays ago- no joke) or when I forgot to pick something up at my local grocery store FOR THE SECOND TIME! (ugh). If you don’t hate Mondays and have better luck, fill me in on your secret, I'd love to know how you do it.

Mondays and Tuesdays are the days that a person 'climbs' up as the beginning of the work week-if you're lucky your climbs aren’t as bad as mine traditionally are.

At the end of every Wednesday work day, I usually give out a big exhale when I get home as I take it back 'old school' and pat myself on the back and give myself a big mental congratulations as I have managed to make it to the pinnacle of the work week.

Although many may view hump day like I do, Wednesday also have a bad reputation at times. Wednesday is sometimes thought of as gray unhappy, or unlucky days. Nevertheless, for many working people both out of the home and in the home (shout out to my stay at home moms and dads!), the arrival of hump day, in my book, is cause for cheering, and whether that day is windy, snowy or gray, it still means that the weekend is close!

My days at the office on Thursdays and Fridays represent my climbing back down towards the beginning of my now very baby-geared busy weekends, nonetheless, it’s the weekend away from work and it’s a weekend with my boys.

My dad used to ask us what our peaks (highs) and valleys (lows) were of the day at the dinner table and looking back now I don’t know why but my brother and I would always look forward to answering his question. Silly children.

So I ask you- what was your peak and valley of today? If your day isn’t over yet and you are reading this, what are you looking forward to towards the end of today? how do you survive the rest of the work week?

I survive by eating a banana or something else with natural sugar during those '3pm at work 'feelings unless my hands just happen to get a hold of a dark chocolate Hershey’s bar I have stacked in my mini fridge, of course.

To survive the rest of the work week I focus on the fun things we have planned for Nik for the weekend, or how much I am looking forward to snuggling with my boys in bed watching cartoons Saturday morning (If you have a 10 month baby like I do, you know this only lasts for about 10 minutes, if you're lucky), or to my husband making us blueberry pancakes from scratch!
oh and having a really stinking cute baby like this doesn’t hurt in surviving the work week either.

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