Monday, February 11, 2013

52 Week $Money$ Challenge

So you know how at your office job there are always challenges? The biggest loser weight lost challenge, the next American idol challenge, and whatever other have you challenge, well my friends here's another one but this one is like super cooler than those other ones! 
I came across this 52 Week Money Challenge Chart and thought it was a pretty cool idea for saving some money this year (no worries that its February- just catch up!)  So, I thought I’d share it with you all.

It's the 52 Week $Money$ Challenge!

I'm going to try and do this, (extra Christmas money) and I've already taken out my money for the first six weeks.  I plan on making it a practice to take the money out on Mondays because by Fridays I'm broke.

Each week of the year (52) you save a designated amount (based in the week #) and by the end of the year, you will have saved $1378.00 (that doesn’t include any interest it may accrue if you deposit it into a savings account).

So on week 1, you deposit $1. On week 2, $2, week 19 $19, week 35 $35 and so on and so forth.  Just print out the chart and cross off each week as you go along.

Here's the link!

Let me know who's in this with me and we can be saving partners for encouragement! (Keep me from late-night Sephora site trolling)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great! Thanks for sharing!